Anastasiy Safari

A Christmas gift from blog: A better color picker Panel for all Photoshop CS4 fans

Posted by Anastasiy Safari on 24 December 2008 (Wednesday) Under Adobe, Noise, Tips&tricks

Recently I’ve created a panel for Photshop CS4 for better colorpicking. Actually I made it for myself tired of that tiny modal dialog that lets you pick colors in PS. Meanwhile it got spread on Adobe forums and then they even wrote about it in official Adobe blogs:

So, here’s the Christmas gift from the blog to all of our creative readers :) here it goes:

Colorpicker for Adobe Photoshop CS4 by Anastasiy Safari

1. Download from here: ColorPicker Panel for Photoshop CS4 from Anastasiy Safari
2. Create a folder inside Adobe Photoshop CS4 in /Plug-ins/Panels named “ColorPicker”.
3. Then extract the files from the into that folder
4. Restart Photoshop - and open the new colorpicker panel from Window | Extentions | ColorPicker

Features: non-modal genuine Photoshop panel, smart resizing, works in full-screen mode when Tools are hidden, returns back focus to Photoshop after choosing a color - so you can immediately use PS keyboard shortcuts.

Merry Christmas!

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One Response to “A Christmas gift from blog: A better color picker Panel for all Photoshop CS4 fans”

  1. olg-brusnikina Says:

    очень интересная штука! молодцы ребята!

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