What’s in the void?
Posted by Anastasiy Safari on 2 October 2008 (Thursday) Under ImagesPhotographing flowers - is a high risk proposition for a photographer. There is always danger of complacency and trivialization lurking around. You can literally get caught in grass and leafs and let the subjects of the shoot prevail over the overall objective. It is too tempting to let these expressions of natural art form to lead you astray. However the desire to make those photographs, at times becomes unbearable. Especially when the subject itself takes a back sit and you see something that is difficult to notice from the first sight.
«What’s in the void?» ©,Anastasiy Safari. 4 fotos from a series of 6. 12×16″, matte paper. Photocopy.
A honorable mention at International Photography Awards ‘2008 (IPA 2008).
This worldwide award has more than 30,000 participants this year from all over the world.
2008-10-03 at 12.50 am
УУУУУх! Поздравляю! )))) Так держать )))
Хочу такую домой
2008-10-03 at 1.05 am
Ммм. А в чем смысл?
2008-10-03 at 1.10 am
Wasssup, man! Great work, nice colorz.
Congrats whatever it is you deserve it!
2008-10-03 at 10.42 am
I seriously do not know about this abstract obsession. Maybe it is due to my upbringing, or the fact that I have been in art all my life and have seen a lot of it, this just seems “regular”. I can draw parallels to music where people went from Bach to 21st century with minimal amounts of notes. In drawing, the Sistine chapel to a blue square…
As one of my dearest friends said ” been there, done that… Now it is time to go back to the roots again. There is much to show and tell the old fashioned way”. On a more positive note… Those flowers are really beautiful, colors are dramatic and the presentation is unique.
2008-10-03 at 11.35 am
There is a totally kewl parallel of this natural works of art with sculpture that is in fact captured in this images. From a conversations with abstract contemporary sculptor on display in Cleveland I have learned an interesting concept. Sculpting a statue out of stone is an art of reduction. So the actual art of sculpture is in the material removed. It is in the void between and around the pieces of the stone. He grinned at the time and said that statue hidden in the marble of De Vinci is just a nice sounding cliche.
And here is a parallel, the flowers are shaped the way they are due to the programed cellular death. So it is truly the void of the dead cells that shapes them. So in reality there is a lot to the void. In fact much more then meets the eye.
2008-10-03 at 1.16 pm
so next time, capture the dead cells… or the middle of the doughnut. and if it is so important, there is no need to make any pictures… you can just imagine what you like.
2008-10-06 at 5.36 am
M0lt, great to see you here, d0000d )))) Thanx
Esther, thank you for such parallels I’m glad you found a layer in my work that has to be there, no matter what meaning it contains in itself - a decorative one. It’s hard to add something, after Ilya. But as about the meaning of the work - the idea was to show a depth, instead of a subject. Something in the real life, instead of imaginary one. It’s a pity, it didn’t work for you. I hope that it will work next time you’ll these work on my show Anyway, you’ve found something, like presentation and colors - so, I’m glad the work has said to you something in a way…
2008-10-06 at 5.43 am
Ilya >> “Здесь есть очень клёвая параллель …”
Ну не знаю. Как простому зрителю, мне сложно как доказать что-то Вам, так и опровергнуть.
2008-10-06 at 11.40 am
I must add that it is possible to draw proof from a visual perception. I concur that the connection that I made is neither visible nor obvious. It’s just that this kind of approach allows for a unique new insight into everyday things. At times however it is necessary to create something which purpose is not immediately self evident. This allows to bring an observer in deeper. In case of simple looking imagery any deep thought drowns in approachability. It leads us to making simple assumptions and moving on.
2009-03-17 at 1.48 am
потрясающая идея! не видела, чтобы кто-то еще снимал цветы подобным образом!
2009-03-25 at 12.37 am