Anastasiy Safari

MagicSquire 5.3 update smoother Photoshop brush manager, more precise than ever

Опубликовано: Anastasiy Safari / 15 февраля 2022 (Вторник) В разделе: Adobe, MagicSquire, brush organizer

My New MagicSquire 5.3: more accurate Photoshop Brush Parameters (size, opacity, spacing, etc.), faster on-demand HUD popup, loading groups from huge .ABR files (1GB+), more UI languages. Get now with a discount!

MagicSquire 5.3 update in Photoshop, smoother and more precise than ever

MagicSquire 5.3 update in Photoshop, smoother and more precise than ever

- Fixed a problem with loading brush groups from huge (500MB-1GB+) .abr files
- Changing small values of brush parameters (size, opacity, etc) is now easier. Brush Controls
change slower in 0-50 range
- Improved localization
- Improved loading of HUD files in various countries (South Korea, China, Switzerland)
- Available now on Photoshop and Illustrator 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC
- much more

Upgrade MagicSquire

Read more about MagicSquire, pro Photoshop brushes manager and brush control

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